Our in-house graphics studio creates imaginative graphics for compelling packaging, merchandising and point of sale (POS) projects. Our designers are experienced with both cardboard and fluted board, and can design custom packaging that fulfils all product, trade and distribution requirements.
Utilising the latest in packaging specific CAD programs and state of the art sample cutting technology, we make it easy to produce full scale prototypes and samples for design validation and pre-production testing.
We work with the following file formats to ensure the highest standards:
- Adobe Illustrator CC or earlier.
- Adobe InDesign CC or earlier.
- Adobe Photoshop CC or earlier.
- Acrobat PDF file (HighRes 1.8) (fonts outlined or supplied)
- Please Note: CS6 or Cloud will be converted back to CS5
Preferred File Formats
- Illustrator .eps or .ai file (vector) with all fonts outlined or supplied with its font suitcase and all images linked NOT embedded.
- Adobe InDesign document with all picture files and fonts included.
Please Note: We do not accept any artwork supplied as either Word or PowerPoint.
Additional Information
- Please ensure all fonts are sent with the artwork.
- All colours for printing must be either CMYK process or spot colours as RGB files do not print or separate correctly. Please convert any spot colours NOT required to be spot colours to CMYK.
- Any corporate logos or large areas of flood colour that need to be a spot colour must be supplied as a spot colour to avoid prepress delays.
- Ensure all artwork bleeds 7mm outside the knife-line.
- Please supply an A4 or A3 printout of the art with all colours nominated. Alternately, email a low res pdf showing all colours to be used.
- All scaling of artwork must be clearly marked.
- Include all linked images on the disk as separate files, DO NOT embed the images.
- Create all images as high resolution 300ppi Psd, Eps or Tiff files @ 100% scale. Bitmaps should be created @ 1200ppi without compression.
- If possible always supply the layered Photoshop files (.psd) with the artwork so if necessary, we are able to refer to them for any alterations that may be required.
- Artwork can be accepted on either CD or DVD or uploaded onto our FTP site.
- Glama Pak recommends an ink limit of 260% or under for rich blacks, consisting of a CMYK breakup of 60/40/40/100